Francesco Salvi


Hi there! I am a last-year MSc student at EPFL, working at dlab with Robert West. Currently, I am also a Visiting Fellow at FBK, where I am writing my Thesis with Riccardo Gallotti. Before EPFL, I completed a BSc in Physics at UniBo.

My research broadly focuses on connecting computational methods and machine learning with society, analyzing large-scale digital social systems to provide insights on human behavior and social dynamics. I am particularly interested in political phenomena such as misinformation and polarization.

Keywords: Computational Social Science, Natural Language Processing, Network Science, Complex Systems.

Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, playing board games, and being an election forecasting geek.

Selected Publications

  1. platform.jpg
    On the Conversational Persuasiveness of Large Language Models: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Francesco Salvi, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Riccardo Gallotti, and Robert West
    arXiv preprint, Mar 2024
  2. meditron.jpg
    MEDITRON-70B: Scaling Medical Pretraining for Large Language Models
    Zeming Chen, Alejandro Hernández-Cano, Angelika Romanou, Antoine Bonnet, Kyle Matoba, Francesco Salvi, and 14 more authors
    arXiv preprint, Nov 2023
  3. lobby_heatmap_v2.jpg
    Studying Lobby Influence in the European Parliament
    Aswin Suresh, Lazar Radojevic*, Francesco Salvi*, Antoine Magron, Victor Kristof, and Matthias Grossglauser
    Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024)